Next-gen DNS Based Cloud Security

Enterprise-ready DDoS protection, DNS content filtering & threat control.


EnterpriseCybersecurity made easy.

Atrios offers flexible, enterprise-ready, all-in-one, cloud-delivered security & reliability.

It's time to simplify andtransform

Leverage DNS from your biggest threat vector into your first line of defense. Harness zero-touch automation for low network costs, rapid innovation and smooth, seamless networking.


Minimize downtime, cut latency and deliver a seamless network experience using Cloud-native tools.


View and export network activity and security reports viaAtrios' rich dashboard.


Prevention against phishing, malware, and ransomware attacks


Easily scale to millions of users and RPS using latest hybrid technologies.

Drive rapid change and
accelerate innovation

Cybersecurity is evolving. Consolidating features like secure web gateway, cloud-delivered firewall, and DNS security into one cloud-based architecture,
organizations can streamline their cybersecurity and improve their security resilience.

Content Filtering

Filter out all unwanted or inappropriate resources such as pornography, violence, hate or racism, gambling and other 50+ categories.

Security Threat Protection

Protect your users from phishing, malware, ransomware, and more using our cloud-based DNS service.

App Blocking

One Click away from blocking different applications in your network. We have a signature base of 100+ relevant Applications for Blocking.

DNS-layer security
that speeds up your network

Our distributed edge nodes enable Atrios to resolve requests faster and boost internet speed all while protecting against cyberthreats

  • Threat Intelligence
  • Category based Web Security
  • App discovery & blocking


Simplify and
Automate IT

Orchestrate and automate provisioning processes across distributed locations.

Enhance network

Increase visibility into end users and devices across the network regardless of their location


Protect your hybrid workplace and improve your entire security stack against real-time threats


Eliminate manual intervention and automate network services

We have a global presence.

Atrios Next-gen DNS security solution providing protection from cyber security threats
as well as advanced DNS filtering controls to organisations and enterprises.

Let's discuss your projects

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Get in touch!

More work, greater risk, increasing costs, and stunted innovation are all consequences of complex networks.
Let's change that with Atrios